Nothing's worse than an unripe cantaloupe. Make sure you harvest cantaloupe at the right time to get the very best out of this sweet melon.
How To Plant A Peach Seed To Grow Your Very Own Tree From Seed
Knowing how to plant apple seeds can be a fun project that has the potential to lead to exciting future fruits. Find out a free way to grow your own homegrown apple trees
Grow an orchard in your yard for free with these fruit trees easily propagated from harvested seed. All you need is some potting mix and patience.
Prepare your fruit trees for winter, and get ready for a thriving growing season next year, with these top fall care mistakes to avoid.
A clementine citrus tree that bears juicy little oranges is one of the sweeter things in life, and fairly easy to grow.
Growing a Meyer lemon tree can be a heady experience for a gardener. It’s a pleasure to pluck a beautiful tart lemon from a tree that you’ve grown and nurtured in the garden or a container.
Growing citrus trees like lemons can be a delightful way to cultivate years of homegrown fruits – if you protect against key lemon tree diseases. We reveal the key problems to avoid
Learn how to prune a lemon tree and when to do it. It might surprise you to know that a lemon tree needs very little pruning besides maintenance.
Knowing the best fruit trees to grow indoors can expand your potential range of fruit harvests – and add interest and color to indoor spaces. We show you how to make more of fruit trees undercover
There are literally hundreds of mint plant varieties. Read here for information on how to grow some of the most popular varieties of mint.
Learning how to grow hydroponic basil indoors couldn't be simpler and enables you to cultivate delicious, aromatic herbs in every season without soil.
Black tomatoes aren’t exactly black, but they’re dark and full of nutrients not found in regular tomatoes.
Purple lettuce and purple greens like kale and cabbage are lovely in the garden but also pack a healthy punch.
Seeding carrots can be fun, since they are so small. A great way to plant carrot seeds is to enclose them in homemade seed tape. Learn how to do it.
Foodscaping is a beautiful and profoundly practical way to mix beauty and function in your yard. Try food landscaping for a real sense of abundance.
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