The key to sweet, juicy corn is knowing when to harvest corn. Whether you like it grilled, sautéed, or added to salads and soups, harvesting corn at the right time will ensure maximum flavor and kernel development. Most of us know the feeling of shucking an ear and the kernels are dry, or failed to form. Learn when to pick sweet corn and enjoy ears full of tasty kernels.
When to Harvest Corn
The eye is the most important tool in determining when to harvest corn. Corn is at its best when in the milk stage. This is when a kernel that is pierced will exude a milky juice. But without shucking the ear there are several tell tale signs that the fruit is ready to consume.
How to Tell When Corn Is Ready to Pick
The stalks are tall, the silk is present, and chubby ears are evident on the stems. But when is corn ready to harvest? Corn in the milk stage has silks that are brown and dry at the tip of the ear. On average, the milk stage commences about 20 days after the silk appears, although this will vary by variety and cultural factors. The milk stage only lasts a week so it is important to keep an eye on developing ears as soon as the first silks are in evidence. Corn matures more quickly in hot weather and the ears need to be watched carefully. Overly ripe corn is tough and lacks sweetness, while underdeveloped ears have clear, almost flavorless juice and many underfilled kernels. Stunt disease in corn can also make your stalks and ears underdeveloped. When the silks begin to darken on healthy plants, it's time to gently squeeze the ears to determine firmness. You can also observe the tip kernels peeking out of the husk. These should be full and firm, indicating the rest of the corn is ready to harvest.
How to Harvest Corn
You may opt for a cutting tool to remove the ears from the stalk. A knife or even pruners will cut through the attaching tissues. A novice gardener wondering how to harvest corn can simply hand process the fruit. Grasp just below the ear and make a decisive downwards pull. Give a twist and the ear should pop right off the stalk. Do not clench around the ear itself as you will crush and ruin the kernels. Pick corn in the coolness of the morning or at night. Use corn as soon as possible for the best flavor. After the corn has been eaten, discarded corn husks have uses too!
How to Store Corn After Harvesting
Keep the husk on until ready to eat the ear. Store corn in the vegetable crisper until you are ready to eat it. Most corn will lose 50 % of its sugar within 12 hours of harvest, so ears taste best right off the plant no matter the variety of sweet corn. Corn can be stored in the refrigerator for 4-8 days, but some of the sweetness will be sacrificed. Corn may be canned or frozen to extend its usefulness. For either method, remove the husk and silk. Cut off the kernels and blanch them in order to can the corn. Frozen whole cobs are blanched for 2 minutes, flash chilled, wrapped, and frozen for later use. You may also cut the kernels off and freeze them.