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How To Grow Sweet Potatoes: Ultimate Care & Growing Guide

In the United States, sweet potatoes are a common part of soul food and southern cooking. The tubers are also popular in the Pacific islands, South India, and many African countries. Baked or boiled, stewed, or fried, the sweet potato is a delicious component of many meals. The sweet potato plant is a perennial in tropical to subtropical regions. In North America and other countries, it is often treated as an annual due to its lack of cold hardiness. Slips are required for growing sweet potatoes. Slips are sprouts from the root.

Read further for tips on how to grow sweet potatoes right in your garden.
As a warm region plant, sweet potato plants need plenty of sunshine. The optimum is at least 8 hours of bright light per day. Because the plants are vines, they should be placed where taller crops don’t shade them during the day.
These tubers are drought tolerant once established. That being said, the best growth will occur with even soil moisture. Water the slips well at transplant. Once the plant is established, give it 1 inch ( 2.54 cm.) of water per week. In sandy soils, the plants will need to be watered more frequently to maintain some moisture.
Temperature & Humidity
To sprout your own slips, plant smaller tubers in soil in a box and cover it with black plastic. Keep the box where temperatures are at least 75 degrees Fahrenheit ( 24 C.). When planting slips, the soil should be between 60-85 F ( 15.56-27 C.). Sweet potatoes tend to grow best where there is plenty of humidity and do not like dry air. Ideal humidity is between 40-50 percent.
Well-drained, sandy loam, or silt loam is the best soil for planting sweet potatoes. Heavy soil will produce small, malformed tubers. In soils with poor drainage, the potatoes will crack, have rough skin, and be misshapen.
Prior to planting, incorporate a 5-10-10 directly into the soil. Side dress the plants with a nitrogen food such as 21-0-0 in early July.
Problems, Pests & Diseases
Heavy soils and overwatering can cause the roots to become malformed, develop mold spots, or develop bacterial soft rot. The primary pests are weevils, cutworms, beetles, and root knot nematodes. Deer will graze on sweet potato vines. Leaf spots are common. Avoid overhead watering.