• Gardening For Food. A better way of living

How To Save Pumpkin Seeds For Planting – Plus, Tasty Ways To Eat The Leftovers!

As you scoop the goop out of your soon-to-be jack-o’-lantern, you may wonder how to save pumpkin seeds for planting next year. Or if you’re like me, you wonder how to save pumpkin seeds to eat! But whether you want to grow pumpkins from seed or harvest the seeds to eat, you need to know how to gather, clean, and dry them first. Below is everything you need to know about how to save pumpkin seeds for planting or to turn them into a tasty snack.

Benefits of Saving Pumpkin Seeds
There are so many creative uses for pumpkins besides carving them for Halloween. Two of the most common are saving pumpkin seeds for planting and eating. If you want to know how to save pumpkin seeds to plant in the garden, be aware that some pumpkins do not come true to seed. Instead they cross pollinate, which can be a problem.
Pumpkins cross pollinate with other members of the Cucurbit family like squash, cucumber, or melon. This means if you plant these crops close together, the seeds you harvest may grow into an amalgamation of a pumpkin and another Cucurbit crop. If, however, you separate your Cucurbit crops you can harvest true seed. Commercial growers stop cross pollination by separating crops by at least half a mile to get true seed. The best bet is to use a pumpkin that is an heirloom or open pollinated plant, not a hybrid. When eaten in moderation, pumpkin seeds are quite healthy. They are high in fiber, contain antioxidants and are a good source of heart healthy unsaturated fats, polyunsaturated fatty acids, and omega-3 fatty acids. There are also many uses for pumpkin seeds in the kitchen other than roasting.