• Gardening For Food. A better way of living

When To Pick Squash: Timing Tips For A Bountiful Summer Or Winter Squash Harvest

Growing squash is popular with home gardeners, but as the season draws on questions can arise around when to pick squash. Is the best time to harvest the same for all kinds of squash? Is the size of summer squash or winter squash a factor in when to pick? Read on for expert squash picking tips and basic vegetable harvesting guidelines.
The size of summer squash can become rather large, but you will enjoy them more if you pick them small. The best time to harvest squash of these varieties is while they are still small. The ideal size for summer squash is around 6 inches (15 cm.) long or wide, if it is the patty pan variety.
Beyond this size, summer squash begins to develop a think skin and becomes bitter. The flavor is not the best for cooking. Frequent harvesting will also encourage the plant to produce more fruit.
Winter squash are used when they are fully mature. This means that the best time to harvest squash of this variety is at the very end of the growing season, right around the time of first frost.
If by chance your vine is damaged by pests or weather that forces you to harvest early, other indicators of a winter squash that is ready to pick is to tap on it gently. If it feels solid and sounds slightly hollow, then it is ready to be picked.
Another easy indication that winter squash is ready for harvest is the fingernail test. To do a fingernail test, simply press your fingernail on the skin of the squash. If the skin is too thick for your fingernail to puncture, your squash is ready to pick. If it punctures the skin, the squash is not ready.
One word of caution for this method: try not to puncture your squash as this can open your fruit up to risk of rot and disease. If you feel like your nail will puncture the squash, stop and let your plant keep growing.